PO Box 72756
Providence RI 02907
Tel: 401-351-5000
Mail: urbanleague246@gmail.com

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The ULRI Donation Center

The ULRI Donation Center – is a project coordinated by the Urban League through an exclusive partnership with The Men’s Warehouse to distribute free suits to men in need of maintaining professional attire in order to dress for success. The Men’s Warehouse conducts an annual in-store suit drive and in turn donates all suits collected in their RI based stores exclusively to the ULRI for distribution. The center also includes an assortment of items and clothing that are donated by the general public and then distributed accordingly. While the attire is donated, the program is presently not funded and therefore limited in outreach and accessibility. (Over 800 articles of professional attire donated & over 600 individuals/families served a year)

To Inspire You

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom

Malcolm X »

Today In History

Black History Month
  • In 1992 - Death of Alex Haley, author of "Roots"